decolonization climate change

The lab brings together interdisciplinary work that examines climate change and its consequences from a global perspective critical of power and domination. They centre marginalised positions and focus on post- and neo-colonial structures and the entanglements of intersectional lines of difference.


ESTRAN -art, architecture and materials between ebb and flow

ESTRAN -art, architecture and materials between ebb and flow

architecture design research, design research, lectures
ceramic pieces

ceramic pieces

architecture design research, blog, Installation
dyscrete | solar power from concrete

dyscrete | solar power from concrete

blog, design research
studio aden

studio aden

architecture design research, blog


blog, design research, Installation, publication
climate change-(im)mobility nomads

climate change-(im)mobility nomads

blog, publication
textile composite

textile composite

architecture design research, blog, design research
somali nomads_blue paintings


architecture design research, blog, Installation


architecture design research, blog, Installation
architecture renewable energy

architecture renewable energy

architecture design research, blog