DysCrete – Dye- Sensitized Solar Concrete

Dye- Sensitized Solar Concrete represents the unique concept of a structural integrated energy generating construction material for use in architecture and design. The project aims to develop a novel structurally integrated photovoltaic (SIPV) as a comprehensive, reliable, minimally complex technological system for generating solar energy. The dye-sensitized solar cell is one of the most innovative solar-cell technologies, but most researchers have focused on the potential of glass-based translucent modules. Until now, the possibility of combining DSSCs with construction materials such as concrete has been overlooked. The project has proven that cement can serve as the basis for a targeted synthesis of photoactive dyes and building materials. The purpose of my research project is to design, develop, test, and evaluate the generation of energy from Dye-Sensitized Solar Concrete in architecture and infrastructure as a step towards sustainable cities.


Through transnational, transdisciplinary collaboration, I developed a way of using organic dyes on concrete surfaces to absorb light and produce electricity through electrochemical reactions. My analysis of this novel process has revealed a high degree of compatibility between dye-sensitized solar technology and the chemistry and physics of concrete, including its materials logic and production methods. The functional principle of DSSCs is based on the natural process of photosynthesis. Much like chlorophyll-bearing plants, DSSCs absorb light with organic dyes. In this sense, the technology is an adaptation of the photosynthetic process.

High Potenial in Technology and Design

I believe that the aesthetic requirements of future buildings can be met by the principles of renewable energy, architecture, and materials design. Activating the energy-generating potential of a building’s materials can be part of the aesthetic activation of the building’s surface. The energy-generating function is produced with freely available components, with no additional toxic emissions. Technically, dye- sensitized solar concrete cell is based on a structure of functional layers. The innovative system of materials is renewable, largely recyclable and environmentally friendly. Because it can make use of the energy in diffuse light and a large varierty of dyes, its structural applications are virtually unlimited compared to conventional photovoltaic systems opening up a world of possibilities in the field of structurally integrated photovoltaics.
Dye- Sensitized Solar Concrete is ideally suited for manufacturing prefabricated concrete elements for building construction, for new types of building facades, indoor and outdoor wall and floor systems.




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