studio aden is based in Berlin, Germany and represents Samira Jama Aden a multi-disciplinary transnational architect and design researcher working at the convergence of art, architecture, new technologies and social justice.

Her artistic practice explores the relationship between materiality, architecture, aesthetics and cultural intimacy with a strong decolonize perspective and narrative. Her work spans a diverse array of dimensions and media, continually redefine the parameters of perception and innovation.

As architect, design researcher, and materials specialist she is experienced in developing highly innovative building materials, concepts and the implementation of third-generation solar active materials into structures and design on an architectural scale.

She is an educator for building materials and renewable energy and combines the principles of transnational architecture perspectives, artistic practice, material design and renewable energy with the aesthetic requirements of a sustainable future.



ESTRAN -art, architecture and materials between ebb and flow

ESTRAN -art, architecture and materials between ebb and flow

architecture design research, design research, lectures
ceramic pieces

ceramic pieces

architecture design research, blog, Installation
dyscrete | solar power from concrete

dyscrete | solar power from concrete

blog, design research


blog, design research, Installation, publication
labs decolonize climate change

labs decolonize climate change

blog, design research
climate change-(im)mobility nomads

climate change-(im)mobility nomads

blog, publication
textile composite

textile composite

architecture design research, blog, design research
somali nomads_blue paintings


architecture design research, blog, Installation


architecture design research, blog, Installation
architecture renewable energy

architecture renewable energy

architecture design research, blog